May Review


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Happy Friday!

It is the last Friday of May! This has been an interesting month for writing. I’ve written close to 2,000 of what’s so far 3,000 words of a backstory that gets mentioned in the sequel in far less words than will actually be in the sequel. Haha But on the bright side, I’m still writing! I said last week that I’ll have to do some plotting to actually get back into this sequel, and yeah, that’s really going to have to happen. I have so many ideas that are popping into my head to propel the story to its major plot points, but I need to make sure the right pieces get put down to get to them. And I really can’t wait to get to Book 3, but I have no choice!

Career-wise, I had a virtual interview for an admin position in the HR department upstate. I have an in-person interview with them early June. I’m a little on the fence about the position, but it included proofreading in the description, so that intrigued me. Then yesterday, I saw an editing position open for the Legislative Branch, so I applied immediately. I have never seen these types of job available for the State, so that’s a good thing to see such a change. I’m really trying to get out of administrative work entirely. Full-time editing has been a dream of mine for a long time.

And maybe one day, I’ll be full-time author? Maybe? *high-pitched voice* Either way, one more week until I launch my Patreon (nervous yelling)!

May Writing Update: Preparing for Comic-Con and Patreon!


Happy Friday! It is the 3rd Friday of the month, so that means it is time for me to share some writing-like updates for you all!

I purchased a new domain for an official website that's not just the blog, so if you visit, you will see a fresh new landing page! I modeled it off of N.K. Jemisin's landing page, something simple that represents me. There is also a sneak peek of the first chapter of Fractured Princess that I added for potential new readers who I plan to meet at Dover Comic-Con!

The convention is now a month away, and I'm excited to get back out there and share some free merchandise. I purchased new bookmarks, business cards, and info cards with my Linktree for anyone interested. I wanted to create booklets with some free chapters, but the cost of that was astronomical. With that in mind, I also need to create a sign for donations, because I will definitely need some up to Launch 3.0.

I plan to start a Patreon in June to help with all of this. After creating a Kickstarter for the cover for Launch 1.0, I did everything else out of pocket, and I barely have pockets. I have a lot planned for monthly updates, and I hope to gain more attention with it, so as long as I keep on the grind, I think things will pan out well.

I also decided to release the book on my birthday again. I did say I wanted to release the book in Spring, but I am going to use that time for pre-orders and promotion. I don't want to rush everything like I did the first time. But by Spring, I do want to reveal the updated cover. I'm excited about it.

Last thing before this gets too long, I'm still writing! I'm happy about that, too. One thing I might need to do, however, is sit down and *gasp* plot out the second half of Divided Princess and the third book. I've already cut some potential scenes because of the turn the story has taken of its own volition, so I do need to write down some thought bubbles or trees, something.

Wish me luck!

Weekly Words: Black Leopard Red Wolf by Marlon James


It is the second Friday of the month, and I have been stuck on the same book for what feels like the whole year, but it's only been a little over a month. A reviewer said it's dense, and that is true. I'm also just distracted, which I realize is a big part of my problem. Back when I could just sit and read non-stop, there was nothing else to do but watch TV. Now, there are video games, cell phones, internet, AND not just TV, but DVR, so I've grown accustomed to skipping the commercials I usually read through. I've really got to cut out some time to just read and nothing else. I really want to reach my Goodreads goal this year.

That said, I am currently reading Black Leopard Red Wolf by Marlon James.

This is the first book in the Dark Star Trilogy, and it is about a man named Tracker who is hired to find a boy who disappeared. He usually works alone, but in this story, he picks up other "unusual" characters to search for the boy, one of which is a shape-shifting man-animal called Leopard. The back cover mentions that the boy is mysterious, and eventually Tracker starts to wonder if someone is lying about the situation. That's what I want to get to. I'm currently in a jail-cell with Tracker telling a crooked priest his life story. It is very reminiscent of African mythology in the cadence and way the story is written so far. I can't wait to see how it progresses.

Here is a line from the book:

There was always someone or some two or some three who will grab me like a stick and break me, grab me like wet cloth, and wring everything out me. And that was just the way of the world.

Based on the beginning of Tracker's story and where he is telling it, this tracks.

What are you reading this week?

Black Author Spotlight: Tatiana Obey

 Welcome back to the Black Author Spotlight!

The goal of this segment is to highlight black authors who are often marginalized and ignored in the publishing industry. Black writers usually turn to self-publishing--an already densely populated industry--to have their stories seen, and it is said that we have to work twice as hard to get half of what our white counterparts have. Hopefully, shining a little light on these authors will help to signal boost the work they are putting out there.

This week, I am highlighting Tatiana Obey!

Tatiana Obey (pronounced O-bi) is an NA/Adult fantasy writer, and I am HERE FOR IT. Her debut novel, Bones to the Wind, is a coming-of-age sword and sorcery tale with LGBTQIA+ representation, and it is out now!

Here is the blurb:

Rasia is determined to destroy her old man’s record in the Forging, a trial each child must succeed to come of age. All Rasia needs to do is hunt down a gonda, hitch its tentacle ass to her windship, and haul it back home in record time. Easy. Or it would be if Rasia wasn’t stuck on the same team as Nico—a know-it-all, spoiled, grubworm who never does anything Rasia tells her to do.

Nico doesn’t care about Rasia’s egotistical dreams of glory. This is her brother’s last chance to pass the Forging or her father is going to banish him from the family. She needs to scour the desert to find whatever team the bones placed him on and help him kill a gonda before it kills him.

Too bad Nico and Rasia can’t get along to steer a windship straight.

Bones to the Wind is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Kobo, and Smashwords. Click here for each purchase link.

Visit Tatiana's website here, and follow her on Instagram!


If you are a Black author who would like to be in the spotlight, email me the following information at

Name or Pen Name



Social Media handles

Book (if any) and where to buy

Permission to use photos