Fast Five and Express Yourself Friday

Happy Friday!!

Today is brought to us by the Cover Girls, Dani and Jackie, who host Fast Five Friday and Express Yourself Weekly!

For this week, they asked us for 5 habits and routines.

1. I bite my cheeks until I can taste copper.
2. I also pick scabs (gross, sorry, but they itch).
3. When I'm writing, I play online games in between.
4. (Just did it as I type) I bite my hangnails.
5. I hitch my glasses up even when they're not on my face lol.

They also asked us: Where would you consider the most romantic place to vacation?

Call it cliché, but I think Paris would be. The sights, the music, the art. I'd like to summer there and find a boyfriend. lol That would be nice.

What about you guys?

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